Peer Reviews Overview
A peer review is a process in which a design is reviewed and evaluated by a peer who is independent and an expert in the field. It is an invaluable tool a stakeholder uses to make decisions regarding the suitability of a process design. In a peer review, one examines soundness of presented ideas; it is not simply value engineering.
When designing a solids handling system or equipment that will play an important role in reliable and efficient plant operation, it is advisable to have the design reviewed by a peer. This ensures that there are no major engineering mistakes or issues overlooked and the appropriate effort has been made to develop both a safe and cost effective design.
A peer review is important when:
- Reliable performance is crucial and/or process design lacks redundancy
- Operation is related to public health and safety
- Using new technology, process or innovative design
- Working with new or unique powders or bulk materials

Engineers during an inspection of a bulk truck gage.

Process design

Engineers inspecting a dust collector.