Why I Love Powder Handling

March 03, 2014

Why do I love my job?  Last week I received a call from a past client, Dan.  He and I had worked on a project over ten years ago.  I remember the project well.  The powder handled has some unique uses in our everyday lives (sorry I can’t say any more due to confidentiality).  In fact, I was just recently pointing out to my son the uses for this powder and that we at Jenike & Johanson helped improve its performance.

Anyway, Dan was calling to say that their business is doing great, they are expanding and need several new silos designed.  The ones we designed for them are working well, and they’d like us to work with them on the new silos.

As engineers, we are programmed to build, fix and improve things.  There is nothing like seeing the fruits of our efforts.  In this case, the silos we designed solved an existing problem.  Now we have an opportunity to ensure the next set of silos that are built will never have the problems in the first place.  I am doing what I love – creating solutions, helping clients produce good quality products as economically as possible.

Dan, in case you read this blog, here is a shout out to you.  Great to hear from you!  Great to hear the market for your product is exploding!

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