What I Learned about Bulk Solids Handling in 3 Days

May 14, 2014

Bulk solids handling is alive and well and living in Chicago! Okay; well it was for 3 days last week anyway, when we all descended upon the PTXi Powder Show. What were my takeaways? A lot of companies are expanding and adding product lines or production facilities; and at least half of those we spoke with are experiencing some sort of problem; largely segregation or poor flow.

We presented five 1.5 hour sessions at the 2014 PTXi conference out of 40 slots and we had record-breaking attendance at all five of them. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I saw that kind of traffic at a conference. Between that and the attendees in the expo hall, we met a great many people from all over the globe.  Our own director of education, Eric Maynard, introduced the conference to nearly 200 attendees prior to the dust explosion panel discussion. Good thing he was prepared! You can watch an interview with Eric to get his perspective on the proceedings. There were four technology tracks (pneumatic conveying, storage/handling, dust collection/safety, particle processing) over the three days of the conference, presented in fundamentals and advanced levels.  The conference organizers had to find a bigger room for our morning session on the first day due to overflow. A nice problem to have I would say.

If you attended last week’s show but did not get a chance to meet with us after any of our sessions or visit our booth, please contact us at info@jenike.com, or if you are experiencing any issues with your bulk solids handling, you can contact an engineer directly with the specifics of your current project. In the meantime, I am looking forward to seeing how these new projects we are working on as a result of some of our meetings last week progress, and being able to share the insights with you in the not-too-distant future.

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