Jenike & Johanson Bulk Material Handling
Our Engineers Continuously Transform Industries
We enable our clients to operate with highest efficiency and productivity by making sure that materials and equipment work together flawlessly.
From converting old tires to energy and carbon black powder to nuclear waste cleanup - we're committed to improving the overall health of our planet.
We believe that pets are family members who deserve good food - so we help to make sure pet food manufacturers get it right.
We help to avoid catastrophic silo failures, dust explosions, collapsing stockpiles and other risks - because safety is irreplaceable.

Where to find us
We have offices in various countries and solve bulk solids handling challenges around the globe!
Bulk Material Handling Experts
A world-class team assembled of highly educated and skilled experts. They represent a single source of knowledge about powders and bulk solids storage handling, ready to meet your needs.
Dr. John W. Carson
President EmeritusView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Dr. John W. Carson
President Emeritus
John joined Jenike & Johanson in 1970. His organizational ability and vision have played a key role in developing Jenike & Johanson to its present position, and his technical ability and wide experience in the field of storage and flow of solids have been recognized worldwide. He has published more than 140 articles and lectured on various topics dealing with solids flow, including bin and feeder design, flow of fine powders, design of purge vessels, and structural failures of silos. Besides being a founding member of AIChE’s Powder Technology Forum, he belongs to ASME, ASCE, and ASTM International, where he is former chair of committee D18.24,”Characterization and Handling of Powders and Bulk Solids.” John received his Bachelor’s degree from Northeastern University and a PhD from MIT, both in Mechanical Engineering.
Honors and Awards
Solids Handling Award, presented by The Institution of Mechanical Engineers (Britain) “in recognition of professional excellence in bulk solids handling technology”, presented at 7th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Glasgow, July 2005
Permanently Invited Guest to European Federation of Chemical Engineering’s Working Party Mechanics of Particulate Solids, 2007 – present
Particle Technology Forum award, presented by American Institute of Chemical Engineers in recognition of “lifetime outstanding scientific/technical contributions to the field of particle technology, as well as leadership in promoting scholarship, research, development, or education in this field”, June 2015
A. Ivan Johnson Outstanding Achievement Award, presented by ASTM Committee D18 to “a member whose efforts have produced a particular outstanding result or significant contribution”, June 2016
Herman Purutyan
CEOView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Herman Purutyan
Herman joined Jenike & Johanson in 1991. He has designed reliable handling systems for a wide range of materials for food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries. He has published numerous papers on the storage and flow of bulk solids and has been awarded several U.S. patents. He lectures frequently on solids handling and pneumatic conveying, through the ASME/AIChE Continuing Education Program and to individual companies. He was an active member of ASME Structures for Bulk Solids Committee, which is tasked with developing a new, comprehensive silo design standard. Herman received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, Massachusetts, and his MBA from Babson College in Wellesley, Massachusetts.
T. Anthony Royal
Vice President of TechnologyView BioMeet the Jenike Team
T. Anthony Royal
Vice President of Technology
Tony joined Jenike & Johanson in 1976. He has published many articles and has been awarded several U.S. patents in the field of bulk solids flow. He has developed test equipment and analytical tools that continue to maintain Jenike & Johanson at the forefront of technology. Tony received his Bachelor’s degrees summa cum laude in Mathematics and Civil Engineering from Merrimack College. Tony continued his education with graduate studies in soil mechanics and mechanical engineering at MIT and Tufts University.
Eric P. Maynard
Vice PresidentView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Eric P. Maynard
Vice President
Eric joined Jenike & Johanson in 1996. He has published over 50 articles on the storage, flow, and pneumatic transport of bulk solids. He is the principal instructor for the “Flow of solids in bins, hoppers, chutes, and feeders” and “Pneumatic conveying of bulk solids” courses sponsored four times per year by the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Continuing Education Program. Eric has presented bulk material and pneumatic conveying technology at over 300 training events world-wide. He has designed more than 750 bulk material handling and conveying systems for various powders and bulk solids, with a special focus on the cement, power, and mining industries. Mr. Maynard is responsible for internal training of engineers at Jenike & Johanson. Eric has particular interest in crushing technologies for minerals, as well as in the safety aspects of dust explosions and powder electrostatics. He has received certified training on dust hazards analysis (DHA; per NFPA 652 chapter 7 requirements) and can perform inspections on the unique hazards with combustible dusts such as foods, plastics, metal powders, and agricultural materials/wood. He is a special expert on NFPA committees 652, 654, 91, and 655. He is a member of ASME, AIChE, and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Eric received his Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Villanova University and a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
James K. Prescott
Vice PresidentView BioMeet the Jenike Team
James K. Prescott
Vice President
Jim joined Jenike & Johanson in 1992. His focus has been primarily on pharmaceutical applications, such as solving and preventing content uniformity problems, maintaining reliable feed, reducing product weight variations, developing specialized feeders for low feed rate/high accuracy applications, and standardizing handling equipment. He has published several articles, lectures frequently and has been awarded patents on equipment related to segregation testing and control. He is a member of American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE), and was a member of Product Quality Research Institute (PQRI) Blend Uniformity Working Group (BUWG). Jim received his Bachelor’s degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a Master’s degree from Worcester Polytechnic Institute, both in mechanical engineering.
Brian H. Pittenger
Vice PresidentView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Brian H. Pittenger
Vice President
Brian joined Jenike & Johanson in 1993. He has designed bulk solids storage and handling systems ranging from conditioning and purging silos for food, chemicals, and petrochemicals, to simple and accurate batch dosing systems in processing plants, to developing anti-segregation systems for powdered metals and pharmaceuticals. He has published many papers and lectures on solids flow in conjunction with several technical and trade conferences and professional organizations, including: MPIF, AIChE, ASTM and SPE. Brian received his Bachelor’s degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a Master’s degree from Worcester Polytechnic Institute, both in mechanical engineering.
Dr. David A. Craig
Vice PresidentView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Dr. David A. Craig
Vice President
David joined Jenike & Johanson in 1997. He is currently Vice President & Director of Engineering, and is a graduate from The University of Newcastle, Australia with both Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) and PhD degrees. David has over 30 years experience in engineering consulting, specializing in reliable storage and flow of granular bulk solids. David is involved in industrial project work, as well as coordinating development of in-house engineering practice. He has published several technical papers, participated in various international conferences, and presented numerous short courses in the field of bulk solids flow. Prior to working at Jenike & Johanson he also worked at Martin Engineering, The University of Newcastle (Australia), and TUNRA Bulk Solids (Australia).
David is a permanently invited guest of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering’s Working Party on Mechanics of Particulate Solids, and is a Standards Committee Member for ASME Structures for Bulk Solids (SBS).
Roger Barnum
DirectorView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Roger Barnum
Roger joined Jenike & Johanson in 1996. He is heavily involved in consulting, particularly within the glass and pharmaceutical industries, with projects ranging from portable bin design to solving solid dosage form content uniformity problems. He has published several papers and lectures frequently on the storage and flow of bulk solids. He is a member of the American Ceramic Society and the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists. Roger received his Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York.
Dr. Jesús Chávez Sagarnaga
Director of Structural EngineeringView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Dr. Jesús Chávez Sagarnaga
Director of Structural Engineering
Jesús joined Jenike & Johanson in 2005. He is mainly responsible for advanced structural analyses and designs of solids storage structures, such as bins, silos and bunkers, loading (internal and external) analyses for such structures as well as developing rehabilitation schemes for existing solids storage structures. He also conducts stress and fatigue analyses for complex bulk solids structures as well as for investigation on failures of steel and concrete silos using the finite element and other methods. He routinely conducts structural assessments of bulk solids structures, determines their suitability for continued use and designs modifications for safe operation. Jesús received his Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua, México and his Ph.D. in Engineering and Science from The University of Edinburgh in Scotland.
Jairo Patermina
Senior ConsultantView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Jairo Patermina
Senior Consultant
Jairo Paternina received his Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the Universidad Industrial, Santander, Colombia S.A. Subsequently, he received his post-graduate diploma in Bulk Solids Handling Technology and his M.Sc in Particulate Solids Handling both from Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland, United Kingdom.
He worked as a process engineer for CB&I Lummus Technology prior to joining Jenike & Johanson in 2008. As a project engineer for Jenike & Johanson, he has been involved in analyzing and solving caking problems in the food and chemical industry. He is also active in troubleshooting and recommending corrective actions for solids flow problems, providing recommendations to avoid solid flow related problems in new installations, as well as designing customized handling equipment related to this field.
Thomas G. Troxel
Vice PresidentView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Thomas G. Troxel
Vice President
Tom joined Jenike & Johanson in 1982. He helped open the San Luis Obispo, California facility, which he currently manages. He has been instrumental in expanding the firm’s services in the areas of pneumatic conveying, mechanical design engineering and custom equipment supply. He has published numerous papers on the storage and flow of bulk solids and has been awarded several U.S. patents. He lectures frequently on solids handling and pneumatic conveying. Tom received his Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Science from California Polytechnic State University.
Scott A. Clement
P.E., Senior ConsultantView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Scott A. Clement
P.E., Senior Consultant
Scott joined Jenike & Johanson in 1997. He has been involved in trouble shooting and recommending corrective action for solids flow problems, providing recommendations to avoid solid flow related problems in new installations, and the design and supply of customized handling and test equipment related to this field. He has published several papers and lectured on solids flow issues and holds several U. S. patent related to transfer and analysis of bulk solids. He is a member of ASME and a professional member of the Institute of Food Technologists. Scott received his Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from California Polytechnic State University. Scott is a registered professional engineer in the State of California.
Carrie Hartford
P.E., Director of Business DevelopmentView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Carrie Hartford
P.E., Director of Business Development
Carrie Hartford joined Jenike & Johanson in 2007. As the Senior Project Engineer in Jenike & Johanson’s office in San Luis Obispo, California, she has been involved in troubleshooting and recommending corrective actions for material flow problems and providing recommendations to avoid material flow related problems in new installations.
Carrie received her Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California, Santa Barbara. Subsequently, she received her Masters of Business Administration from Azusa Pacific University in Los Angeles, California. Carrie is a licensed professional engineer in the State of California.
She has provided customized training globally on the storage and flow of bulk materials for companies, as well as through professional societies and conferences. She has published numerous articles on the field of bulk materials handling. Her persistence in supporting clients to bridge theoretical knowledge to the complexities of real world project timelines and budgets has enabled her to make substantial contributions and ensure project success.
Dr. Jayant V. Khambekar
Senior Consultant / Regional ManagerView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Dr. Jayant V. Khambekar
Senior Consultant / Regional Manager
Jayant joined Jenike & Johanson in 2006. He is heavily involved in consulting, particularly within the power and pharmaceutical industries, with projects ranging from coal bunker retrofits to portable bin design to solving solid dosage form content uniformity problems. He has published several papers and lectures on the storage and flow of bulk solids. Jayant received his Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Pune in Pune, India, and his Master’s and Doctorate degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, Massachusetts.
Tracy Holmes
P.Eng., PresidentView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Tracy Holmes
P.Eng., President
Tracy joined Jenike & Johanson in 1994. She has consulted to a wide spectrum of clients in Canada and overseas. She has published several papers and lectures frequently on the storage and flow of bulk solids. Tracy received her Bachelor of Applied Science in Civil Engineering from University of Waterloo in Canada.
Martin Esaki
P.Eng., Vice PresidentView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Martin Esaki
P.Eng., Vice President
Martin Esaki, a senior consulting engineer in our Toronto office since 2005, has been involved in and managed a number of bulk solids handling systems, testing, and analysis projects with major mining and engineering companies. Before joining J&J, Martin worked primarily in the field of aerospace consulting engineering, familiarizing himself with CAE technology, always involving either solids, e.g. stress and multi-body dynamics analysis, or fluids, e.g., CFD and acoustics. And, since 2005, he has become a valuable part of our international engineering team. Martin received a Bachelor’s degree in Aeronautical engineering from the Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, Brazil.
Dr. Francisco Cabrejos
General ManagerView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Dr. Francisco Cabrejos
General Manager
Francisco joined Jenike & Johanson in 1994. His experience in both pneumatic conveying and particulate systems has greatly increased the technical support and consulting which the firm offer in these two fields. He has designed reliable handling systems for a wide range of materials, especially for the mining industry.
He has published numerous papers on the storage and flow of bulk solids. He lectures frequently on solids handling and pneumatic conveying, and has participated in international conferences. He is a Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department of the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María in Valparaíso, Chile where he teaches “Bulk Solids Handling”. Francisco studied Mechanical Engineering at the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile, and received both a Master’s degree and a Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh.
Corin Holmes
General ManagerView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Corin Holmes
General Manager
Corin Holmes is a Project Engineer and is the operations manager for Jenike & Johanson Pty Ltd. in Perth, Australia. For the past ten years Corin has worked out of the Toronto, Canada office, as a Bulk Solids Technologist, and then in our Perth office. He is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Perth office. His interest in the field of Bulk Solids Handling led him to obtain his Masters of Engineering in Bulk Solids Handling, from the University of Greenwich, UK. He has worked on a variety of projects, from 10 tonne totes to 50 000 tonne stockpiles, mainly in the mining industry, helping to ensure reliable flow.
Rogério Ruiz
General ManagerView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Rogério Ruiz
General Manager
Rogério Ruiz heads Jenike & Johanson’s Brazil office. Rogério has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Centro Universitário da Faculdade de Engenharia Industrial, a Masters degree in structural analysis from Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, and a global executive MBA through the OneMBA program at Fundação Getúlio Vargas. He previously worked in the aeronautics industries of Brazil and the UK, moving on to heavy equipment manufacturing, always focusing on mechanical engineering, and structural and thermal analysis.
Rogério is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Brazil office, and he routinely visits clients’ sites to review bulk material handling problems or discuss new solids handling applications. He has worked on a variety of material handling projects, from transfer chute re-design, to plastic powder handling, to increasing capacity in gravity reclaim stockpiles.
Dr. John W. Carson
President EmeritusView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Dr. John W. Carson
President Emeritus
John joined Jenike & Johanson in 1970. His organizational ability and vision have played a key role in developing Jenike & Johanson to its present position, and his technical ability and wide experience in the field of storage and flow of solids have been recognized worldwide. He has published more than 140 articles and lectured on various topics dealing with solids flow, including bin and feeder design, flow of fine powders, design of purge vessels, and structural failures of silos. Besides being a founding member of AIChE’s Powder Technology Forum, he belongs to ASME, ASCE, and ASTM International, where he is former chair of committee D18.24,”Characterization and Handling of Powders and Bulk Solids.” John received his Bachelor’s degree from Northeastern University and a PhD from MIT, both in Mechanical Engineering.
Honors and Awards
Solids Handling Award, presented by The Institution of Mechanical Engineers (Britain) “in recognition of professional excellence in bulk solids handling technology”, presented at 7th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Glasgow, July 2005
Permanently Invited Guest to European Federation of Chemical Engineering’s Working Party Mechanics of Particulate Solids, 2007 – present
Particle Technology Forum award, presented by American Institute of Chemical Engineers in recognition of “lifetime outstanding scientific/technical contributions to the field of particle technology, as well as leadership in promoting scholarship, research, development, or education in this field”, June 2015
A. Ivan Johnson Outstanding Achievement Award, presented by ASTM Committee D18 to “a member whose efforts have produced a particular outstanding result or significant contribution”, June 2016
Herman Purutyan
CEOView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Herman Purutyan
Herman joined Jenike & Johanson in 1991. He has designed reliable handling systems for a wide range of materials for food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries. He has published numerous papers on the storage and flow of bulk solids and has been awarded several U.S. patents. He lectures frequently on solids handling and pneumatic conveying, through the ASME/AIChE Continuing Education Program and to individual companies. He was an active member of ASME Structures for Bulk Solids Committee, which is tasked with developing a new, comprehensive silo design standard. Herman received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, Massachusetts, and his MBA from Babson College in Wellesley, Massachusetts.
T. Anthony Royal
Vice President of TechnologyView BioMeet the Jenike Team
T. Anthony Royal
Vice President of Technology
Tony joined Jenike & Johanson in 1976. He has published many articles and has been awarded several U.S. patents in the field of bulk solids flow. He has developed test equipment and analytical tools that continue to maintain Jenike & Johanson at the forefront of technology. Tony received his Bachelor’s degrees summa cum laude in Mathematics and Civil Engineering from Merrimack College. Tony continued his education with graduate studies in soil mechanics and mechanical engineering at MIT and Tufts University.
Eric P. Maynard
Vice PresidentView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Eric P. Maynard
Vice President
Eric joined Jenike & Johanson in 1996. He has published over 50 articles on the storage, flow, and pneumatic transport of bulk solids. He is the principal instructor for the “Flow of solids in bins, hoppers, chutes, and feeders” and “Pneumatic conveying of bulk solids” courses sponsored four times per year by the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Continuing Education Program. Eric has presented bulk material and pneumatic conveying technology at over 300 training events world-wide. He has designed more than 750 bulk material handling and conveying systems for various powders and bulk solids, with a special focus on the cement, power, and mining industries. Mr. Maynard is responsible for internal training of engineers at Jenike & Johanson. Eric has particular interest in crushing technologies for minerals, as well as in the safety aspects of dust explosions and powder electrostatics. He has received certified training on dust hazards analysis (DHA; per NFPA 652 chapter 7 requirements) and can perform inspections on the unique hazards with combustible dusts such as foods, plastics, metal powders, and agricultural materials/wood. He is a special expert on NFPA committees 652, 654, 91, and 655. He is a member of ASME, AIChE, and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Eric received his Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Villanova University and a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
James K. Prescott
Vice PresidentView BioMeet the Jenike Team
James K. Prescott
Vice President
Jim joined Jenike & Johanson in 1992. His focus has been primarily on pharmaceutical applications, such as solving and preventing content uniformity problems, maintaining reliable feed, reducing product weight variations, developing specialized feeders for low feed rate/high accuracy applications, and standardizing handling equipment. He has published several articles, lectures frequently and has been awarded patents on equipment related to segregation testing and control. He is a member of American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE), and was a member of Product Quality Research Institute (PQRI) Blend Uniformity Working Group (BUWG). Jim received his Bachelor’s degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a Master’s degree from Worcester Polytechnic Institute, both in mechanical engineering.
Brian H. Pittenger
Vice PresidentView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Brian H. Pittenger
Vice President
Brian joined Jenike & Johanson in 1993. He has designed bulk solids storage and handling systems ranging from conditioning and purging silos for food, chemicals, and petrochemicals, to simple and accurate batch dosing systems in processing plants, to developing anti-segregation systems for powdered metals and pharmaceuticals. He has published many papers and lectures on solids flow in conjunction with several technical and trade conferences and professional organizations, including: MPIF, AIChE, ASTM and SPE. Brian received his Bachelor’s degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a Master’s degree from Worcester Polytechnic Institute, both in mechanical engineering.
Dr. David A. Craig
Vice PresidentView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Dr. David A. Craig
Vice President
David joined Jenike & Johanson in 1997. He is currently Vice President & Director of Engineering, and is a graduate from The University of Newcastle, Australia with both Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) and PhD degrees. David has over 30 years experience in engineering consulting, specializing in reliable storage and flow of granular bulk solids. David is involved in industrial project work, as well as coordinating development of in-house engineering practice. He has published several technical papers, participated in various international conferences, and presented numerous short courses in the field of bulk solids flow. Prior to working at Jenike & Johanson he also worked at Martin Engineering, The University of Newcastle (Australia), and TUNRA Bulk Solids (Australia).
David is a permanently invited guest of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering’s Working Party on Mechanics of Particulate Solids, and is a Standards Committee Member for ASME Structures for Bulk Solids (SBS).
Roger Barnum
DirectorView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Roger Barnum
Roger joined Jenike & Johanson in 1996. He is heavily involved in consulting, particularly within the glass and pharmaceutical industries, with projects ranging from portable bin design to solving solid dosage form content uniformity problems. He has published several papers and lectures frequently on the storage and flow of bulk solids. He is a member of the American Ceramic Society and the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists. Roger received his Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York.
Dr. Jesús Chávez Sagarnaga
Director of Structural EngineeringView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Dr. Jesús Chávez Sagarnaga
Director of Structural Engineering
Jesús joined Jenike & Johanson in 2005. He is mainly responsible for advanced structural analyses and designs of solids storage structures, such as bins, silos and bunkers, loading (internal and external) analyses for such structures as well as developing rehabilitation schemes for existing solids storage structures. He also conducts stress and fatigue analyses for complex bulk solids structures as well as for investigation on failures of steel and concrete silos using the finite element and other methods. He routinely conducts structural assessments of bulk solids structures, determines their suitability for continued use and designs modifications for safe operation. Jesús received his Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua, México and his Ph.D. in Engineering and Science from The University of Edinburgh in Scotland.
Jairo Patermina
Senior ConsultantView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Jairo Patermina
Senior Consultant
Jairo Paternina received his Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the Universidad Industrial, Santander, Colombia S.A. Subsequently, he received his post-graduate diploma in Bulk Solids Handling Technology and his M.Sc in Particulate Solids Handling both from Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland, United Kingdom.
He worked as a process engineer for CB&I Lummus Technology prior to joining Jenike & Johanson in 2008. As a project engineer for Jenike & Johanson, he has been involved in analyzing and solving caking problems in the food and chemical industry. He is also active in troubleshooting and recommending corrective actions for solids flow problems, providing recommendations to avoid solid flow related problems in new installations, as well as designing customized handling equipment related to this field.
Thomas G. Troxel
Vice PresidentView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Thomas G. Troxel
Vice President
Tom joined Jenike & Johanson in 1982. He helped open the San Luis Obispo, California facility, which he currently manages. He has been instrumental in expanding the firm’s services in the areas of pneumatic conveying, mechanical design engineering and custom equipment supply. He has published numerous papers on the storage and flow of bulk solids and has been awarded several U.S. patents. He lectures frequently on solids handling and pneumatic conveying. Tom received his Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Science from California Polytechnic State University.
Scott A. Clement
P.E., Senior ConsultantView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Scott A. Clement
P.E., Senior Consultant
Scott joined Jenike & Johanson in 1997. He has been involved in trouble shooting and recommending corrective action for solids flow problems, providing recommendations to avoid solid flow related problems in new installations, and the design and supply of customized handling and test equipment related to this field. He has published several papers and lectured on solids flow issues and holds several U. S. patent related to transfer and analysis of bulk solids. He is a member of ASME and a professional member of the Institute of Food Technologists. Scott received his Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from California Polytechnic State University. Scott is a registered professional engineer in the State of California.
Carrie Hartford
P.E., Director of Business DevelopmentView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Carrie Hartford
P.E., Director of Business Development
Carrie Hartford joined Jenike & Johanson in 2007. As the Senior Project Engineer in Jenike & Johanson’s office in San Luis Obispo, California, she has been involved in troubleshooting and recommending corrective actions for material flow problems and providing recommendations to avoid material flow related problems in new installations.
Carrie received her Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California, Santa Barbara. Subsequently, she received her Masters of Business Administration from Azusa Pacific University in Los Angeles, California. Carrie is a licensed professional engineer in the State of California.
She has provided customized training globally on the storage and flow of bulk materials for companies, as well as through professional societies and conferences. She has published numerous articles on the field of bulk materials handling. Her persistence in supporting clients to bridge theoretical knowledge to the complexities of real world project timelines and budgets has enabled her to make substantial contributions and ensure project success.
Dr. Jayant V. Khambekar
Senior Consultant / Regional ManagerView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Dr. Jayant V. Khambekar
Senior Consultant / Regional Manager
Jayant joined Jenike & Johanson in 2006. He is heavily involved in consulting, particularly within the power and pharmaceutical industries, with projects ranging from coal bunker retrofits to portable bin design to solving solid dosage form content uniformity problems. He has published several papers and lectures on the storage and flow of bulk solids. Jayant received his Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Pune in Pune, India, and his Master’s and Doctorate degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, Massachusetts.
Tracy Holmes
P.Eng., PresidentView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Tracy Holmes
P.Eng., President
Tracy joined Jenike & Johanson in 1994. She has consulted to a wide spectrum of clients in Canada and overseas. She has published several papers and lectures frequently on the storage and flow of bulk solids. Tracy received her Bachelor of Applied Science in Civil Engineering from University of Waterloo in Canada.
Martin Esaki
P.Eng., Vice PresidentView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Martin Esaki
P.Eng., Vice President
Martin Esaki, a senior consulting engineer in our Toronto office since 2005, has been involved in and managed a number of bulk solids handling systems, testing, and analysis projects with major mining and engineering companies. Before joining J&J, Martin worked primarily in the field of aerospace consulting engineering, familiarizing himself with CAE technology, always involving either solids, e.g. stress and multi-body dynamics analysis, or fluids, e.g., CFD and acoustics. And, since 2005, he has become a valuable part of our international engineering team. Martin received a Bachelor’s degree in Aeronautical engineering from the Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, Brazil.
Dr. Francisco Cabrejos
General ManagerView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Dr. Francisco Cabrejos
General Manager
Francisco joined Jenike & Johanson in 1994. His experience in both pneumatic conveying and particulate systems has greatly increased the technical support and consulting which the firm offer in these two fields. He has designed reliable handling systems for a wide range of materials, especially for the mining industry.
He has published numerous papers on the storage and flow of bulk solids. He lectures frequently on solids handling and pneumatic conveying, and has participated in international conferences. He is a Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department of the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María in Valparaíso, Chile where he teaches “Bulk Solids Handling”. Francisco studied Mechanical Engineering at the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile, and received both a Master’s degree and a Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh.
Corin Holmes
General ManagerView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Corin Holmes
General Manager
Corin Holmes is a Project Engineer and is the operations manager for Jenike & Johanson Pty Ltd. in Perth, Australia. For the past ten years Corin has worked out of the Toronto, Canada office, as a Bulk Solids Technologist, and then in our Perth office. He is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Perth office. His interest in the field of Bulk Solids Handling led him to obtain his Masters of Engineering in Bulk Solids Handling, from the University of Greenwich, UK. He has worked on a variety of projects, from 10 tonne totes to 50 000 tonne stockpiles, mainly in the mining industry, helping to ensure reliable flow.
Rogério Ruiz
General ManagerView BioMeet the Jenike Team
Rogério Ruiz
General Manager
Rogério Ruiz heads Jenike & Johanson’s Brazil office. Rogério has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Centro Universitário da Faculdade de Engenharia Industrial, a Masters degree in structural analysis from Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, and a global executive MBA through the OneMBA program at Fundação Getúlio Vargas. He previously worked in the aeronautics industries of Brazil and the UK, moving on to heavy equipment manufacturing, always focusing on mechanical engineering, and structural and thermal analysis.
Rogério is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Brazil office, and he routinely visits clients’ sites to review bulk material handling problems or discuss new solids handling applications. He has worked on a variety of material handling projects, from transfer chute re-design, to plastic powder handling, to increasing capacity in gravity reclaim stockpiles.
Core Values We Live & Work By
Our Approach to Every Project.You can expect exceptional quality from our skilled and experienced team.
We take complete ownership in all our projects and their successful outcome.
We drive to develop creative and groundbraking solutions for new and unique problems by leveraging cutting-edge technology and diverse perspectives.
You can expect truthful and precise feedback and consultation from our team.
A passion for particles inspires us to treat each project with enthusiasm and dedication.
Our promise of collaboration is based on our dedication to actively engage in knowledge exchange and teamwork.
Innovation at the Heart of Our OriginsDr. Andrew Jenike is not only the founding father of our company but also of the science of bulk solids handling. He dedicated his life to engineering solutions for bulk materials, and received several awards throughout his life, including the Humboldt Prize in 1976. He was officially recognized as the leading Bulk Technology Pioneer of the 20th Century.
Jenike decides to devote his life to the study of bins and hoppers.
Dr. Andrew Jenike designs the world's first mass flow bins for Iron Ore Corporation of Canada.
Jenike & Johanson is founded. Their initial project involved designing a mass flow silo for storing and feeding polymer flakes for Celanese.
Briquetting technology is developed for Morton Salt in Port Huron.
Jenike & Johanson opens an office in Massachusetts, USA.
A storage and feed system for saturated tar/oil sand is designed for Syncrude.
Jenike & Johanson opens a second office in Ontario, Canada.
Jenike & Johanson develops a computerized method for processing flow property data.
Jenike & Johanson opens a third office in California, USA.
Also, Jenike's Binsert cone-in-cone technology is patented.
Jenike & Johanson patents a novel tester for abrasive wear.
A new low profile slide gate is designed for slotted hopper outlets.
Dr. John W. Carson is named president of Jenike & Johanson.
A novel chute design for high-speed belt-to-belt material transfer is patented (US Patent #4,646,910).
A unique decaffeination vessel for coffee beans is patented.
Jenike & Johanson opens a fourth office in Chile.
Jenike & Johanson invents a proprietary solids handling and analysis CAE package.
Jenike & Johanson invents the J-Purge vessel that combines purging, stripping, drying, and tempering processes.
The Jenike Shear Tester (ASTM International D6128) is established as a standard flowability tester by the EFCE (European Federation of Chemical Engineering). A unique air assisted feed system for fine powders is commercialized.
The Pharmasok system is invented to help eliminate dusting segregation.
Jenike & Johanson wins the Dow Technology Award for their newly developed flake dryer. Also, a novel solids handling process for catalyst regeneration in gas-to-liquid conversion is invented.
A pioneering converging-diverging hopper is developed (US Patent # 6,139,241).
Jenike & Johanson designs a mass flow coal bunker.
Also, an automated furnace shear and friction tester with the ability to test materials up to 1,000 degrees Celsius is unveiled.
Jenike & Johanson develops segregation testers for sifting (ASTM D6940) and fluidization (ASTM D6941).
Dr. Andrew Jenike receives the BMHB (British Material Handling Board) award for Greatest Contribution to the 20th century.
Jenike & Johanson develops a material sparing segregation tester together with Pfizer.
An in-house Discrete Element Modeling program (DEM) is developed.
Also, Herman Purutyan becomes CEO of the company.
Jenike & Johanson opens a fifth office in Australia.
Jenike & Johanson opens a sixth office in Houston, TX.
Jenike & Johanson opens a seventh office in Brazil.
A corporate restructuring process takes place and takes Jenike from being locally owned to being a global organization.
Jenike & Johanson aids ISPE in defining a science-based approach for assessing blend and dosage unit uniformity in pharmaceuticals. Also, the company obtains a DEA license for handling controlled substances.
A Selective Heat Ore Treatment (S.H.O.T.) is developed, which reduces energy consumption by applying microwave energy at the mineral-grain interface to free minerals from surrounding rock more easily.
Jenike & Johanson introduces novel Jen-Zero™ Technology for Feeding Biomass and MSW Feedstocks into High Pressure Environments.
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